Yard Sale Committee

This is a Legacy Page. It is kept on the website for historical purposes.

The Yard Sale Committee is a legacy committee and its functions are now absorbed in the Social Comittee. The annual Church Point yard sale is typically held in the spring time.

Tips for a Successful Yard Sale

  1. Start Early.  Put things in a designated area for the upcoming sale.
  2. Price Everything.  Use masking tape or labels, and group items by price points for fast and easy pricing.  (Ex.  $1.00 table)  Or you could buy pre-printed tags (Ex.  $.25, $.50) so you just peel and stick!
  3. Have a Change Fund.  A total of $10.00 in coins and small bills should be plenty.
  4. Get the Children Involved!  Consider letting them get involved, by selling sodas or lemonade.  They can also set up their own table of toys for a little entrepreneur endeavor!
  5. Save Grocery Bags, for people who purchase multiple items.
  6. Display items, on card tables, Ping-Pong tables, or patio tables.
  7. At the End of the Sale, donate any of the remaining items to charity.

Above all, have fun and enjoy the day with your Friends, and Neighbors!