Board of Directors Meeting – August 26th, 2024

A Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 26th, 2024 at 06:30 PM in the former Cellars Restaurant at the Church Point Manor. All Board of Directors meetings are open to HOA members of record.

Please note that although the address for the Church Point Manor is 4001 Church Point Road, the entrance to the Cellars is actually around the corner on Meeting House Road.


  1. Call to Order Board of Directors Meeting / Establish Quorum
  2. Homeowners Forum 
  3. Approval of Minutes July, 2024
  4. Financial Report July, 2024
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Social Committee
    2. Landscaping Committee
    3. AREC
    4. Communications Committee
  6. Managers Report (no verbal reporting necessary as report follows agenda)
  7. Unfinished Business
    1. Gas Lamps (tabled)
  8. New Business
    1. Ratify vote Tree Works
    2. Ratify vote Hydra Irrigation
    3. Ratify vote Pump House Repairs
    4. Ratify vote Gazebo Lights
    5. Ratify vote Gazebo Repairs
    6. Ratify vote to install Bollard and Replace Sign
  9. Executive Session: As needed – Review Delinquency & CCR History Report. Additionally, review of other items of confidential nature as needed.
  10. Reconvene in Open Forum and vote on any items addressed in executive session.
  11. Adjournment
