Board of Directors Meeting – January 16th, 2023

A Board of Directors Meeting was help on Monday, January 16th, 2023 at 06:30 PM in the former Cellars Restaurant at the Church Point Manor. All Board of Directors meetings are open to HOA members of record.


  • 6:30 pm: Call to Order Board of Directors Meeting
  • Homeowners Forum
  • Approval of Minutes (October 17, 2022)
  • Financial Report
  • Committee Reports (as needed)
  • Management Report (with Action Item List)
  • Unfinished Business:
    1. Review of fencing options (as needed)
  • New Business
    1. Review and adopt new violation letters prepared by Debbie Casey – Association Attorney.
    2. Church Point Recommended Rules Updates / Changes
    3. Due Process Hearing results and adoption of action to be taken
    4. 2022 IRS Resolution
    5. Church Point Social Committee Charter Resolution
    6. Acc Application – CP 267 – Shed attachment
  • Correspondence
    1. Email from owner – reference issues presented – Exterior paint and deck repairs
    2. Solitude Lake Management reports
  • Executive Session: As needed – Review Delinquency & CCR History Report. Additionally, review of other items of confidential nature as needed.
  • Adjournment


6:40 pm: Call to Order Board of Directors Meeting following Due Process Hearing
All five (currently seated) Board members were present along with the association manager and several unit owners.

Homeowners Forum
Items discussed were election process, potential appointments, social committee

Approval of Minutes (October 17, 2022)
Minutes were approved as presented

Financial Report
Report was presented

Committee Reports (as needed)
“Social Committee” responsibilities were discussed. Committee decided to re-evaluate their position and subsequent liability.

Management Report (with Action Item List)
Report was presented.

Unfinished Business:

  1. Review of fencing options (as needed): Discussion was tabled at this time

New Business:

  1. Review and adopt new violation letters prepared by Debbie Casey – Association Attorney: All five letters were adopted by the Board.
  2. Church Point Recommended Rules Updates / Changes: tabled at this time
  3. Due Process Hearing results and adoption of action to be taken: sanctions were assessed against two of the cases and one was given an extension.
  4. 2022 IRS Resolution: Resolution was adopted.
  5. Church Point Social Committee Charter Resolution: discussed and placed on hold at this time.
  6. Acc Application – CP 267 – Shed attachment: Application was denied.
  7. Two Board members presented their letters of resignation and accepted by the Board and two new appointees were approved.


  1. Email from owner – reference issues presented – Exterior paint and deck repairs: Issues were discussed and approved by the Board.
  2. Solitude Lake Management reports: report was presented.

Executive Session: As needed – Review Delinquency & CCR History Report. Additionally, review of other items of confidential nature as needed.

8:45 pm – Adjournment

Next meeting: February 20, 2023