A Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 27th, 2025 at 06:30 PM in the former Cellars Restaurant at the Church Point Manor. All Board of Directors meetings are open to HOA members of record.
- Call to Order Board of Directors Meeting / Establish Quorum
- Homeowners Forum
- Approval of Minutes October, 2024
- Financial Report November, 2024
- Committee Reports
- Social Committee
- Landscaping Committee
- Communications Committee
- Managers Report (no verbal reporting necessary as report follows agenda)
- Unfinished Business
- Vote on any motions made by Unanimous Consent
- BrightView Contract/Credit
- HOA Street Lights
- Irrigation System & Hydra Update
- New Business
- Thoroughgood Walkway – Landscape & Signage
- 2023 & 2024 Audit
- Future of Website & Possible Shutdown
- Executive Session: As needed – Review Delinquency & CCR History Report. Additionally, review of other items of confidential nature as needed.
- Reconvene in Open Forum and vote on any items addressed in executive session.
- Adjournment
Open Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm. A quorum was confirmed.
Board members present:
- Don Degner, President
- Ron Couture, Secretary
- Priyal Patel, Treasurer,
- Susan Hauser, Assistant Treasurer
- Jill Albright, Select Group Representative
Homeowner’s Forum:
- New board members were introduced.
- Statements were sent out late – Board and Select Group representative confirmed that no late charges would be incurred by homeowners.
- A few homeowners complimented the holiday gazebo lights, mentioned that people were seen taking pictures there. A question from a previous Garden Club member was raised about holiday decoration removal and storage. Don Degner confirmed that wreaths, lights, etc. would come down after the last week of January and that everything (including the gazebo tree) would be stored in his attic.
- A question was asked about changing meeting frequency to bi-monthly or quarterly. Don Degner responded that the board is staying with monthly for now because there is too much work that needs to be done.
Secretary’s Report
- Prior meeting minutes were evaluated. Ron Couture made a motion to approve, Susan Hauser seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
- Highlights from November 2024 operating funds, revenue and reserve totals, and late assessment fees were reviewed. Ron Couture made a motion to approve, Susan Hauser seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.
Committee Reports
- Tanya Manns was introduced by Don Degner as the co-chair of the Landscape committee.
- The Marx family was introduced by Don Degner and thanked by all for hosting the HOA Board Meeting at the Manor House.
- Social committee is dissolving if volunteers are not identified. One person has volunteered (new family that just moved to Church Point from FL) but looking for second co-chair so that responsibilities do not fall on a single person.
- Many recent social committee activities have been put on hold – in particular, the Holiday Party because planning was too late and there were not enough volunteers to get it all put together in time.
- Mentioned the ‘quasi-social-committee’ activity of decorating the front entrance and having Santa come to the gazebo in order to raise funds for the Noblemen charitable organization. Over forty families with children came to visit Santa and raised $130 from contributions. A check for $150 out of the Social committee’s budget was written to the Noblemen.
- Currently no future social activities or dates are planned until we have a functioning Social committee.
- Don Degner mentioned that Dave Vaughan and Tanya Manns have done a wonderful job running the landscape committee. Last year nearly 20 trees were taken down and spent over $30k – which is included again in the budget this year along with some ‘hefty’ goals. Don mentioned that these goals can be seen in the PowerPoint presentation from the Annual Meeting which is posted on the website. Some of these goals included:
- Continuing cleanup and clearing dangerous trees on the Thoroughgood path (which goes from the Thoroughgood House all the way to the gazebo).
- Considering chipping the cut trees rather than dragging them away in order to use the chips for mulch for the pathways.
- Creating a ‘master’ landscape plan to replace what we take down so that our paths retain some shaded and attractive areas.
- One application submitted and approved in the last three months.
- Jill Albright reminded board that a vote is still needed to ratify the previously-approved (by email) AREC application. Ron Couture made a motion to ratify the previously-approved AREC application. This was seconded by Susan Hauser and unanimously approved by all.
- Johan Goossens resigned in October as Communications committee chair (webmaster) and Newsletter editor. Searching for replacement – should not be that much work for someone who is trained in html.
- A question was asked about how we are getting the word out that a new webmaster is needed.
- Don Degner answered that he is currently vetting a company that could potentially handle it for us.
- Could mention in newsletter, but concern was raised about homeowners not reading the newsletter.
- Idea: put a ‘Webmaster Needed’ sign at the entryway (similar to monthly meeting announcements).
- Another idea: since Church Point is switching management companies, this webhosting capability is often an option – we should explore that with our new management company.
- One complication with this plan is that we would almost certainly lose all of the unique functionalities that Johan Goossens spent thousands of hours developing – and that Church Point receives numerous accolades for from other communities. A possible fix is to have links between the two websites (management company and ChurchPointOnline.com), but strong preference is to have ONE location for everything.
- Another complication would be losing everything if changing management companies in the future.
Management Report:
- Jill Albright had nothing to report due to it being ‘the slowest time of year’ for everyone.
- December financials will be late coming out due to prior month/year closeout and the impending change in management.
- Jill mentioned that the change in management was not a motion that was voted on.
- Don Degner replied that it was during a special meeting in September of last year.
- Jill responded that it still needs to be adopted in an open (non-special) meeting. Recommended bringing the special meeting minutes to the next (February) meeting so that the board can vote on it. Don concurred.
Unfinished Business
- Brightview contract and credit discussion. Brightview is in breach of contract (no Autumn laying of mulch which resulted in approximately $7.6k value that is owed to Church Point).
- After informing them that Church Point was getting bids for a new landscaping contract, Don was assured by Brightview that if the scope of work was unchanged, the price would remain the same for next year’s contract (current contract expires February 28, 2025). Don reported that after consultation, the Landscape committee recommended staying with Brightview for next year.
- Verbal suggestions from Brightview were received by Don Degner – who subsequently requested these in writing, but did not receive until attempting to contact their corporate headquarters.
- Don suggested using the ~$7.6k to do one of the following:
- Plant perennials at the main entrance similar to what was in place when the neighborhood was first established.
- Fixing holly bushes along First Court that Brightview neglected by allowing them to grow above the contract height of ten feet.
- NOTE: this was later explained by Don that previous contracts with Brightview (under previous boards) had a much lesser scope of work – which did not include trimming the trees to ten feet.
Have bushes leveled. NOTE: this will cost ~$13k (received several quotes) so the ~$7.6k would only go towards this total cost.
- Some areas need better mulching (not all-inclusive):
- Thoroughgood path
- Crepe myrtles forming semi-circle behind gazebo
- Brightview contract clause was discussed which requires 60 days notice with cause in order to terminate it. Therefore, it is too late to hold discussions with them in time to terminate the contract before renewal.
- HOA streetlights. Have had them fixed twice. The lights worked for one week (for a cost of $1,400 in October). Communications with repair company continue. Don was informed by the repair company’s foreman that the problem is likely due to the age of the underground wiring (~30 years).
- Irrigation system. The system throughout the neighborhood is a patchwork of repairs and mismatched parts that function poorly (or not at all). Needs many repairs. Board needs to get bids. Don Degner recommends sticking with Hydra for the repair work based on recent work (some of it was at no cost to Church Point) and conversations, and to avoid continually changing contractors – which is likely the main reason for the current patchwork system that is not operating efficiently.
- Ron Couture recommends getting three bids anyway in order to gain situational awareness of the market, since the board is not bound to choosing the lowest bidder.
- Jill Albright asked how we will compile the scope of work for the bids (how many heads, controllers, etc.).
- Ron suggested that Hydra do the scope of work estimate since they are the most familiar with the project and have a favorable reputation with Church Point. There were no objections or comments from the other board members.
- Question was raised by a homeowner regarding flooding in the gazebo area during events. Don explained it is caused by too much volume due to the aforementioned patchwork irrigation system (sprinkler heads are too big), and that it is not just the gazebo area that is being affected.
- There are three different control systems
- The Commons (control panel in pump house)
- Problems with wiring to relay switches from control panel to the various areas
- Problems with pine tree roots interfering with sprinkler lines -> completely new lines need to be run here
- Gazebo area (control panel on post behind gazebo)
- Wrong sized heads
- Front entrance (control panel behind brick wall controls pumps and the street lights that we are having problems with)
- Ten zones along street – all the way to the Mews entrance
- Pump is sucking air and needs to be primed every time it is run (currently using a homeowner’s garden hose to prime the pump)
- The Commons (control panel in pump house)
- Susan Hauser mentioned that we need to be clear in scope of work that there is no wi-fi (Susan). New system must be setup as an established yard with minimal watering – we may have to accept some brown grass in Summer in order to mitigate flooding.
- Jill mentioned that other communities use rain sensors without wi-fi -> we could potentially do this.
- Susan Hauser mentioned that each new bidder will need to walk the grounds individually to build their plan for bid anyway – so there is no need for Hydra (or anyone) to create a scope of work for bids. Our scope of work can be general in nature – square footage, # of zones, etc.
New Business
- Thoroughgood walkway. An error was made in the new signage on the walkway to Thoroughgood House (the Thoroughgood sign was replaced with a ‘No Trespassing’ sign). Susan is working on drawings for the area to relandscape and design new barriers to prevent golf carts from getting through.
- Request was made from homeowner to add reflectors to the barriers (for safety). Board agreed.
- Question was asked about the need for the sign to be so huge. Don answered that the new (future) sign will be identical to the sign at the actual Thoroughgood House site (oval), but smaller at four foot height. The current (‘huge’) sign will be moved to the green area at a lower height (~2 feet off the ground).
- 2023 audit is completed. Several recommendations were made for the 2023 board. Don mentioned that the 2024 board was already doing some of the things that were recommended by the auditors. Now working on the 2024 audit – needs to be completed before switching management companies (01 March 2025). Don passed out questionnaire to board members to be used as a checklist to help ensure we are following Virginia law.
- Future website and possible shutdown. We are doing what we can to keep it alive and going (as discussed previously during the committee reports).
- A homeowner asked if Johan would be willing to stay on as webmaster if he was compensated by the HOA. Answer (from Don): No.
- Raymond James (HOA financial advisors). Don is arranging a meeting to discuss investing stagnant funds (approximately $120k between three accounts: Reserve, Reserve checking, and the Operations checking accounts) in order to earn some sort of return (estimated between 4-5%). HOA does have approximately $70k-$80k currently invested with Raymond James. Don reports that this is acceptable under Virginia law for an HOA to invest in.
- Bishops Court. Prior to 2017, one of the common properties (the clubhouse/swimming pool) in Bishops Court had not been assessed, so the Church Point board (at that time) required them to start making payments. Bishops Court residents have requested that the Church Point HOA board review the situation. Don mentioned that he will be working on the issue with the Church Point HOA board attorney, Debbie Casey.
- Homeowner requested clarification.
- Don explained that although the pool and clubhouse are technically located on a ‘lot’ they are common property and therefore should not be subject to the Church Point HOA assessments. This was discussed in 2017 between the Bishops Court and Church Point boards, and although they disagreed, the Church Point board decided to proceed with the assessments for the property since it was and is officially a lot. It was designated as such (as a ‘lot’) in order to get a building permit to build the clubhouse and pool.
- A concern was raised that it would probably not be prudent to spend several thousand dollars on a legal opinion in order to save $175 per quarter (the current assessment).
- Homeowner requested clarification.
Open Meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm