Board of Directors Meeting – July 22nd, 2024

A Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 22nd, 2024 at 06:30 PM in the former Cellars Restaurant at the Church Point Manor. All Board of Directors meetings are open to HOA members of record.

Please note that although the address for the Church Point Manor is 4001 Church Point Road, the entrance to the Cellars is actually around the corner on Meeting House Road.


  1. Call to Order Board of Directors Meeting / Establish Quorum
  2. Homeowners Forum 
  3. Approval of Minutes June, 2024
  4. Financial Report June, 2024
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Social Committee
    2. Landscaping Committee
    3. AREC
    4. Communications Committee
  6. Managers Report (no verbal reporting necessary as report follows agenda)
  7. Unfinished Business
    1. Architectural Guidelines and Instructions
      • Fencing
      • Appointment of “Honor Guard”
      • Gas Lamps
  8. New Business
    1. Clarify what defines majority to change bylaws/restrictions
    2. Have we received any information on the 2,500 minnows?
    3. Need to bid for 2025 Landscape contract and discuss which companies the RFQ will be sent
    4. Discuss changing auditors for 2025
    5. Subject matter for HOA survey before a new budget is created and projects for 2025
    6. Progress on fixing the HOA owned street light and city owned street lights
    7. New award to a irrigation company if Hydra has not provided state and city paperwork
  9. Executive Session: As needed – Review Delinquency & CCR History Report. Additionally, review of other items of confidential nature as needed.
  10. Reconvene in Open Forum and vote on any items addressed in executive session.
  11. Adjournment


Called to order at 6:33 pm.  A quorum was confirmed.

Board members present:

  • Gary Lauck, President
  • Michael Gen, Vice President
  • Don Degner, Treasurer
  • Jack Timms, Vice Treasurer
  • Jill Albright – Select Representative

Homeowners’ Forum

No questions or discussions.

Secretary’s Report

Motion for approval of the June 2024, minutes. Motion made by Don Degner, 2nd by Mike Gen, motion approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report 

  • Operating funds, revenue and reserve totals were reviewed and explained.  Total operating and revenue assets were summarized. 
  • Plan to move accounts to avoid monthly service charges. After review, Don Degner motioned to move First Carolina Beautification Account into Fulton Bank General Operation account.  Motion was seconded by Michael Gen. After brief discussion, motion was carried by unanimous vote.
  • Investment funds were discussed in detail. Currently investment fund is still under control of the Board presided over by Peter Burke, two Boards ago. With the retirement of the owner of the HOA prior financial advisor, will try to move the current investment funds under control of the current board.  New advisor is Michael Gregory. 

Committee Reports

Social – Presented by Gary Lauck

  • Happy hour at Pleasure House Brewing two weeks ago completed and went well and another Happy Hour planned for September.
  • Concert in the Park planned for Sunday September 22, 5-7PM. Will have Pete Hansen singing.
  • High School age kids end of summer get together planned for Thursday August 22 at the Gazebo from 7-9pm.
  • Requests for volunteers for “Honor Guard” to help raise the flag and place flags during holidays.  Requests and information on the website.
  • Currently about $2,000 in the social account.

Landscaping – Presented by Don Degner

  • Grounds reviewed with greater than 20 trees that require removal. Thirty trees marked with white spray with yellow tape tied to trees slated for removal.  Appointments made with homeowners to assess other trees that may need removal.  Need to add two more downed trees to RFQ.  RFQ requested and awaiting response.
  • Tree removal to occur in phases:
    • Phase 1 – Quays Park and Quays trail behind Meeting House Rd and Church Point Rd .
    • Phase 2 – First half of carriage path in Timber Ridge.
    • Phase 3 – Second half of carriage path (approx. 15 trees to come down).
  • The area along the Thoroughgood path needs to have brush cleaned up next to the trail, which is not in Brightview’s Statement of Work (SOW).  The path to the Thoroughgood House also requires a no trespassing sign similar to the Gazebo path along with a replacement barrier to prohibit motorized vehicles.
  • BrightView has been directed to trim all Holly trees on First Court Rd.  Apparently, the Hollies which were supposed to be trimmed regularly were neglected, allowing them to be overgrown past the limit where BrightView now considers them beyond their scope. Under discussion with BrightView.
  • Mulching discussed. After clarification of some previous confusion, Brightview was directed to proceed with planned mulching per the direction of the Landscaping committee.  No mulching has yet occurred.  Landscaping committee planning meeting this week.
  • Oversight discussed at length. Current contract employs Select group for grounds oversight one time per month.  More frequent oversight would incur additional cost.
  • Will continue to ask for and hope for volunteer landscape oversight and revisit at next month’s meeting.  Homeowners willing to volunteer can visit or contact Tanya Manns, Don Degner, or Dave Vaughn. Ultimately, without adequate homeowner volunteers, an increase in dues will be required to pay for the oversight required to both monitor for disrepair and oversee BrightView work.
  • Irrigation repair discussed.  After review of irrigation problems, Don Degner motioned to have Hybrid irrigation to be allowed to fulfill needs of award and not pay Hybrid irrigation until paperwork completed.  Select agreed to ensure appropriate paperwork for insurance and indemnification provided.

AREC – Presented by Susan Hauser, Committee Chair

  • Ongoing organization and review of issues with Select Group. Will present next month.
  • Recommends making an amendment to Declaration for 2/3 vote by homeowners that removes the statement regarding gas lamps and sconces. 

Communications – Presented by Johan Goossens, Committee Chair

  • Newsletter ready to go. Motion made by Don Degner to proceed with and send out newsletter.  Seconded by Michael Gen. After brief discussion, motion carried unanimously.
  • Select group was asked to provide information about Enumerate electronic communication.
  • Discussion surrounding domain name and host to be placed under control of Select Group and paid by Select group with passwords and management by Johan Goossens. Jill Albright from select group will contact current website owner to move control.

Manager’s Report 

Ms. Albright invited questions from the board and homeowners. 

Unfinished Business:

  1. Gas Lamps – After discussion of options to resolve this ongoing problem currently in the HOA Declaration and Restrictions which requires a homeowner vote to modify, the board elected to await until the year end homeowner’s meeting to propose the change to eliminate or reword the current requirement to permanently resolve the problem. 
  2. Fencing briefly discussed and being revisited and managed by the AREC committee.

New Business:

  1. Clarify what defines majority to change bylaws/restrictions – Discussed
  2. Update on the 2,500 minnows – still in work.
  3. 2025 Landscaping contract. RFP sent.
  4. 2025 Audit contract. Currently under contract until 2026. Tabled.
  5. Subject matter for HOA survey before a new budget is created and projects for 2025. Tabled for further discussion.
  6. Progress on fixing the HOA owned street light and city owned street lights – still in work.
  7. New award for irrigation company if Hydra has not provided state and city paperwork. Discussed and decided during committee meeting.
  8. Select Group oversight – is currently providing a summary of their monthly neighborhood inspections.  This infrequent oversight is limited and inadequate to support the needs of Church Point.  Requires further discussion.
  9. Proposal made by Michael Gen to obtain costs and RFP for a grounds manager/HOA Handyman to provide oversight and review of HOA grounds and facilities if volunteer workforce proves inadequate. Jill Albright from select group will bring this information next month. No vote held at this time.
  10. Gazebo repairs discussed, which can come from repair reserves. Tabled.

Meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:10 pm.

Meeting brought back into session 8:20 pm. 

Motion to adjourn meeting 8:40 pm by Michael Gen, second by Don Degner and carried unanimously.