A Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 24th, 2024 at 06:30 PM in the former Cellars Restaurant at the Church Point Manor. All Board of Directors meetings are open to HOA members of record.
Please note that although the address for the Church Point Manor is 4001 Church Point Road, the entrance to the Cellars is actually around the corner on Meeting House Road.
- Call to Order Board of Directors Meeting / Establish Quorum
- Homeowners Forum
- Approval of Minutes May, 2024
- Financial Report May, 2024
- Committee Reports
- Social Committee
- Landscaping Committee
- Communications Committee
- Managers Report (no verbal reporting necessary as report follows agenda)
- Unfinished Business
- Butterfly & Pollinator Garden (to be tabled)
- Architectural Guidelines
- New Business
- Ratify Vote — 1704 Ware Parish
- 4064 Timber Ridge Dr – Portable Pool
- Fencing – Type and Color
- Mailboxes – Disrepair
- Appointment of “Honor Guard”
- Gas Lamps
- Executive Session: As needed – Review Delinquency & CCR History Report. Additionally, review of other items of confidential nature as needed.
- Reconvene in Open Forum and vote on any items addressed in executive session.
- Adjournment
Called to order at 6:30 pm. A quorum was confirmed.
Board members present:
- Gary Lauck, President
- Michael Gen, Vice President
- Amit Badiye, Secretary
- Don Degner, Treasurer
- Jack Timms, Vice Treasurer
- Jill Albright – Select Representative
Homeowners’ Forum
Questions or concerns were invited from homeowners present. One of the homeowners requested updates on cutting of Holly trees on 1st court Rd, located on the right of the main entrance when you exit.
Mr. Degner explained that the contract was only for the Holly trees at the Mews entrance as they were blocking the site of oncoming traffic and that this work has been completed to our satisfaction.
A question was raised about tree branches hanging over First Court Rd. and the need to trim them back. This will be addressed with bright view landscaping. It is noted that the land between the guard rail and the street belongs to the city, while land on the back side of the guard rail belongs to the homeowner. The Homeowner’s Association has maintained the entire area since it is the gate way to Church Point.
A suggestion was made that Virginia power should be notified about the vines and branches that are growing into the power lines.
Select Group management was asked whether they received reports from Brightview landscaping providing updates of work provided. Even though reports are to be sent weekly, only two reports have been received and are very generalized. Mr. Degner mentioned that he has frequent discussions with Brightview to provide documentation in accordance with the Board’s expectations and that it takes a lot of voluntary effort by the board members and landscaping committee to ensure that work is completed in an acceptable manner.
Another question raised by the homeowner was regarding street lights. it was noted that one of the homeowners posted on Facebook information regarding how to report non-working street lights to the city. It was discussed whether we can request the city to convert all the street lights to LED lights and whether the board can write a letter to the city on behalf of the homeowners.
Secretary’s Report
Motion for approval of the May 2024, minutes. Motion made by Don Degner, 2nd by Mike Gen, motion approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Mr. Degner presented the financial report. We now have information that’s current through May 31st.
As of May 31st in the cash account, we have $13,707.52 in the general reserves, we have $30,000.89. In the replacement reserves, we have $109,571.15 Previous board has established a special savings beautification account with First Carolina Bank which currently has $1245.
Assets between receivables, resales, owner’s charges, prepaid, fixed assets through depreciation were discussed.
Discussion ensued about the budget for irrigation work and repair work needed to be performed on the roof of the pump house which is a reserve fund expense.
Need for budget to clear up debris and placing new signs at the pathway to the Thoroughgood house was discussed and barricading that pathway to prevent entry of motorized vehicles.
Committee Reports
Social – Sunday Night music concert in the park was canceled because of the heat wave. Lukewarm response to Yard sale due to change in dates was discussed.
Landscaping – Dave Vaughn and Mr. Degner have been working closely together on landscaping issues. Many concerns by homeowners registered through the automated workflow and are being addressed personally.
Irrigation issues addressed. Gazebo areas sprinkler heads and system working fine. Some of the high output heads need to be changed and moved in future. Hydra irrigation will be doing the work in commons area. The Water pump was noted not be installed correctly to avoid sinking into the ground. Mr. Don Degner and Gary Lauck had a meeting and conducted a walk-through of the affected areas with the irrigation companies.
The Board’s permission was sought to redirect funds towards the Hydra Irrigation Company to repair the problems discussed.
The Mews entrance’s impacted line of sight of oncoming traffic at the intersection with First Court Rd has been corrected by Heritage Landscaping’s elevation of a total of 18 Holly trees.
AREC – Susan Hauser was introduced as the new chair of AREC.
She presented her opinion about fences and has researched several other issues in the community pertaining to AREC. She is putting together guidelines for the community with board input.
The fence regulations are part of the Declaration of Restrictions and changes may require HOA member vote.
Discussions ensued about strict regulation with the fencing for homes backing First Court Rd as opposed to other areas in the neighborhood. Discussion ensued about regulation of vinyl fences due to their unique appearance. Due to various types of existing fences, there needs to be a set policy to remove the gray areas of current requirements. It was discussed that cedar is a better material for fences than pine. Susan mentioned ways to make cedar fences more attractive and at the same time not costlier.
Regulations for upkeep and maintenance of fences were also discussed like pressure washing at regular intervals and replacement if needed.
Discussion was held about prior fence violations, issues with front yard ornaments and use of specialty material like Trex for fences in the future.
It was discussed that the Select team will screen all AREC applications for completeness and then forward it to the AREC committee chair for evaluation prior to presenting to the board for final decision.
A plan to keep homeowners updated with any new rules and regulations was discussed.
Communications – Johan Goossens’ top priority is to get the newsletter published before end of July. He requested input from the President, as well as an article from each of the committees.
He is almost done setting up a mechanism on the website for people to add contractor testimonials.
Manager’s Report
Ms. Albright invited questions from the board and homeowners.
New Business:
- Ratify Vote — 1704 Ware Parish – Unanimous approval
- 4064 Timber Ridge Dr – Portable Pool – Denied – no temporary structures allowed
- Fencing – Type and Color – Ongoing conversation per AREC
- Mailboxes – Disrepair discussed – notices will be going out
- Appointment of “Honor Guard” – tabled – need to discuss
- Gas Lamps – tabled – Need to discuss with AREC
Discussion ensued on more community involvement in the HOA board meetings and a hybrid model to hold meetings by zoom alternating with in-person meetings.
Motion to adjourn the meeting to executive session by Jack Timms, seconded by Michael Gen with unanimous approval at 8:13 pm.
Adjourned from executive session at 8:19 pm
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm