Communications Plan and Handbook


To effectively communicate between the Board of Directors, Committees and Association Members as well as enable communications between the Members (as required by law), a Communications Plan is required to articulate what gets communicated when, in what format and by whom. The following plan is Developed and maintained by the Communications Committee.

Information Types

The table below identifies all information types that must be considered in our Communication Plan.

Information TypeInformation Description
Governing DocumentsThe Church Point Homeowners Association is governed by a set of documents and associated amendments. This information is fairly static.
Organization, Points of ContactDescription of how the association is organized, who the key players are and how to contact them. Typically this information changes about every year.
Board of Directors MeetingsIn accordance with state law and the Association’s Bylaws, Board of Director Meetings must be announced to association members. Meetings must also be minuted and those records must be available to members. As the board typically meets about 10 times a year, this information should be updated monthly.
Annual Member MeetingsIn accordance with state law and the Association’s Bylaws, Annual Member Meetings must be announced to association members and state law even mandates that these documents must be send via USPS. Meetings must also be minuted and those records must be available to members. This information is made available annually.
LettersFrom time to time, the Board of Directors sends out letters to all members. In general, this happens infrequently and given the cost of administration and postage, this is typically kept to a minimum.
FormsThe Association has forms to request architectural changes or to file a complaint. The layout of these forms is relatively static but are filled out often by the members.
Reserve StudiesIn accordance with Virginia state law, HOAs must conduct a study at least every 5 years to determine the necessity and amount of reserves required to repair, replace, and restore the capital components.
BudgetIn accordance with state law and the Association’s Bylaws, the Board of Directors must prepare and share a budget annually for the Association.
Social EventsIn accordance with the social calendar prepared by the Social Committee, events must be announced and documented. This happens roughly 10 times a year.
NewslettersFour times a year, a newsletter is send to Association Members.
BackgroundBackground information on the Association like the history, value of living in an HOA, lot information, common area descriptions and future ambitions must be made available.

Some information types are not handled by the Communications Committee as they tend to be private issues between the Board and individual members or between the board and external entities. Below is a list of communications that are excluded:

  • Communications between the Board and Members about quarterly dues (billing, late notices, etc).
  • Communications between the Board and Members about Architectural Issues (change requests, change request responses, violation letters, etc).
  • Communication between the Board and internal Providers (contracts, invoices, payments etc).
  • Communication between the Board and Legal Council.
  • Communication between the Board and the Management Company.

All of the communications mentioned above are handle by the Board or by the Management Company on behalf of the board.

Information Channels

To be written

Information Plan

To be written