Landscape of the Month was established by the Church Point Garden Club to reward exemplary lawn care in the Church Point neighborhood of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Today, this function is assigned to the Church Point Landscaping Committee assisted by members of the Church Point Garden Club. The jury will select based on curb appeal so the front and side yards will be judged jointly as well as the exterior of the house. The following criteria should be used:
- A manicured lawn consisting of healthy grass which has been mowed, edged and trimmed.
- Landscape and flower beds maintained with trimmed trees and shrubs, weeded beds and deadheaded flowers.
- Color in the landscape is preferred but not mandatory.

For judging purposes, the neighborhood is divided into three sections: The Mews, The Commons and The Quays. Judges will alternate giving the award to the three sections during the months of April through November.
A winner should be selected on or around the first of the month, and the winner will have the decorative sign placed in their yard for that month. The recipients of the Landscape of the Month awards will have their name and neighborhood section published in the Church Point Newsletter with the permission of the homeowner. A home cannot receive this award more than once a year, meaning that at least 12 months must elapse between awards for the same property.
If a winner is not evident, the judges should wait 3-5 days and try again. In the event a winner cannot be chosen in any given month, the award will resume the following month in the missed section of the neighborhood. It is at the discretion of the Landscape of the Month Chairman to cancel judging in any given month due to weather or any other unforeseen circumstances.