Looking for Volunteers – January 2024

During the January 22nd, 2024 meeting, The Church Point Homeowners Association Board of Directors, in accordant with the Bylaws (Article III, Section 4h), (re)established five committees through resolutions to assist them in running the association. Most of this work was done through a Committee Reform initiative and the background can be read here. Now that the committees have formally been (re)established, volunteers are required to run these committees and perform the duties.

Who wants to help out?

We all know that a lot of Church Point Homeowners are very busy people that are probably not looking to put more stuff on their plates. Luckily, the various committees have different needs and some volunteers only need to keep an open eye, help with a single event or contribute a few paragraphs to the Website or Social Media. Other volunteer jobs might require a few hours per week. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Why would you help?

Church Point is a highly desirable neighborhood that strives to have above-average property values, a robust family-oriented social fabric and well-maintained common areas (over 33 acres). The collective Property Tax assessment for the entire neighborhood is over 300 million dollars and while nobody looks forward to the associated tax bill, everybody wants the highest property value when they sell their house. The HOA plays a key role in protecting our investments through continuous improvement, volunteerism and effective communications. When you volunteer, you help the HOA to help you.

What can you do?

Please read through the 5 pages describing the committees and their duties and see if you have the skills and/or desire to help. You can always reach out to the committee through their contact email if you have questions.

Examples of what we need (read the committee pages for the whole list of duties)

The Architectural and Rules Enforcement Committee has been around the longest but it also has been hard to find volunteers for it. Many people see this as the HOA Police Force to say NO to homeowners who want to make architectural changes to their property. While it is true that we have rules that must be followed, successful committee members have worked with homeowners in the past to find practical solutions that meet the requirements but still give the homeowner what they are looking for. If you are flexible, creative and can bring people together, this committee is looking for you.

The Budget Committee is a new entity. Initially there will be a lot of work to stabilize the budget and establish repeatable processes. Anybody with a financial background or people that care about taking care of our assets or balance income and expenditures is welcome to assist.

The Communications Committee is also new and will help the Board in its desire to be more open and transparent, streamline communications between the board and the members and speak with one voice on all platforms. If you want to help with the website, newsletters or social media in terms of writing a few paragraphs, take pictures at events or ensure notifications go out on time, this committee might be for you.

The Landscaping Committee has been around for a long time but the new version of this committee also absorbs the functions previously performed by the now defunct Garden Club. If you want to help oversee our landscaping company keep the common areas up to our standards (we spend over half of our budget on this), select yards of the month or assist in beautifying common areas, you might be the right person.

The Social Committee has existed informally for a long time but it is now an official part of the HOA. If you want to help plan and run social events, welcome new neighbors to the neighborhood, assist with yard sales or simply write a few words about events or take pictures, join this committee.