Newsletter Committee

This is a Legacy Page. It is kept on the website for historical purposes.

The Newsletter Committee is a legacy committee that was responsible for the publication of the Church Point Newsletters. Today, the newsletter is published by the Communications Committee.

The Newsletter is published quarterly, with winter, spring, summer, and fall issues each year. The newsletter is distributed via email to all interested Church Point Homeowners and published here.

Standard Newsletter Features

Each Newsletter includes a note from the HOA Board President, and generally will contain articles on the Neighborhood Watch Program, and the Garden Club.  Other newsletter content includes:

  • A periodic feature on recommended contractors who have provided good service to Church Point residents.Residents are encouraged to submit any recommendations to the newsletter editor.
  • A listing of babysitters who have submitted their contact information for potential babysitting jobs. We want to see the list of available babysitters grow, so if you have babysitters in your household, please submit their names and phone numbers for inclusion on the list to the Editor.
  • Articles to highlight upcoming events or recent happenings to keep residents informed of key information for Church Point.

Submitting Articles or News Items

Residents are encouraged to submit items of interest to Church Point for inclusion in the newsletter.  You can submit just an idea for a subject to be covered – such as speeding or cleaning up after pets – or you can submit a full write-up ready for publishing.  The newsletter editor and HOA Board President make final decisions on items to be included in the newsletter, based on space available and timeliness of the article.

Articles or ideas should be submitted to the Editor.  Please keep in mind the publishing targets, which are at the end of January, April, July, and October.  Input for the issues should be provided as early as possible to allow time for editing and fitting the pages of the newsletter together.  This means input should ideally be available around the beginning of the publishing month.

Advertising in the Newsletter

The Newsletter Committee accepts paid advertising deemed appropriate for the community newsletter.  Business card ads are only $30 per issue.  Larger ads up to a full page are also accepted.  Ads can be provided in electronic or hard copy form, and can also be custom-built from the input you provide.  Ads should be submitted for inclusion in the newsletter at least four weeks before the scheduled publication date, earlier if possible. If you are interested in advertising, please contact the Editor. Pricing:

  • Business Card: $30.00
  • 1/4 page: $45.00
  • 1/2 page: $65.00
  • Full page: $85.00


We are always looking for those willing to help with the newsletter.  Researching or writing articles is especially helpful.  Contact the Editor, if you are interested.