This is a Legacy Page. It is kept on the website for historical purposes.
The Yard Sale Committee is a legacy committee and its functions are now absorbed in the Social Comittee. The annual Church Point yard sale is typically held in the spring time.
Tips for a Successful Yard Sale
- Start Early. Put things in a designated area for the upcoming sale.
- Price Everything. Use masking tape or labels, and group items by price points for fast and easy pricing. (Ex. $1.00 table) Or you could buy pre-printed tags (Ex. $.25, $.50) so you just peel and stick!
- Have a Change Fund. A total of $10.00 in coins and small bills should be plenty.
- Get the Children Involved! Consider letting them get involved, by selling sodas or lemonade. They can also set up their own table of toys for a little entrepreneur endeavor!
- Save Grocery Bags, for people who purchase multiple items.
- Display items, on card tables, Ping-Pong tables, or patio tables.
- At the End of the Sale, donate any of the remaining items to charity.
Above all, have fun and enjoy the day with your Friends, and Neighbors!