Annual Membership Meeting 2023 – November 30th, 2023


In accordance with the Virginia Property Owners’ Association Act (article 55.1-1815 section G) and the Church Point Homeowners Association bylaws, a meeting of the association must be held at least once a year. In 2023, the meeting was held at 06:30 PM on November 30th at the Bayside Recreation Center (4500 First Court Road). To hold the meeting, a quorum (10%) of Church Point Homeowners is required in accordance with the Church Point Homeowners Association Bylaws. Given that we have 381 home/lot owners, 39 owners have to be present in person or through a proxy. Luckily, the turnout was significant (over 300 members voted in person or through a proxy) and a homeowner’s meeting was held for the first time since 2019 (the 2020 edition could not be held due to COVID restrictions and the 2021/2022 editions did not have a quorum).


Leading up to the meeting, an unusually large number of documents were distributed by the Management Company on behalf of the Board of Directors as well as inputs provided by concerned homeowners. Copies of all these documents are provided below for easy access.



A quorum had been reached and the annual meeting of the Church Point Homeowners Association, Inc. (“HOA”) meeting was called to order by the President at approximately 8:15 p.m. The Board members of the HOA presided over the meeting (the “Board”). The Board members were as follows:

  • Jeffery Babb, President
  • Brian Kollar, Secretary
  • Ron Couture, Treasurer
  • James Hegarty, Director at Large

The position of Vice President was vacant as of October 2023.

These minutes were recorded beginning at 8:35 pm after the resignation of three members of the Board, including the Secretary. After the meeting had been called to order, the candidates for election to the HOA board were invited to the front and each allowed to speak for five minutes, introducing themselves to the HOA membership. After their introduction, Dr. Hegarty, Mr. Babb and Mr. Kollar spoke at length. A HOA member voiced concerns over the length of time for which the Board members were speaking and that given the delay to the start of the meeting, the member wanted to ensure sufficient time for an election of the open board positions, as detailed in the provided agenda. Discussion ensued.

A member of the HOA, in the essence of time, made a motion to proceed to the election of the HOA board members. The motion was properly seconded and carried by the HOA membership unanimously. The motion was disregarded, however, and the Board continued with individual comments. At the end of their individual comments Dr. Hegarty, Mr. Babb and Mr. Kollar resigned and relinquished their posts immediately. With no Secretary available for minutes, a second motion was called from the floor by a HOA member for a call and vote to instate two of the member candidates for the board as board members to run the meeting and record minutes. Mr. Gary Lauck and Dr. Michael Gen were proposed. Both agreed. The motion was seconded. Brief discussion ensued after which the motion/vote carried by the majority of HOA membership and Mr. Lauck and Dr. Gen assumed two of the open board positions. At this time, via majority of the then current board which included Mr. Lauck, Dr. Gen and Mr. Couture agreed that Dr. Gen would act as Secretary, and that Mr. Lauck would act as interim President.

A third motion was made by a member of the HOA to proceed to item 3 on the agenda, the membership annual vote for the board of directors of the HOA. The motion was properly seconded, and discussion ensued. The motion carried by the HOA membership unanimously and the vote proceeded via ballot.

The ballots were collected and Mr. Bob Garrett, the HOA Manager added these ballots to the proxy ballots previously submitted to Select Group. Observers from the Association viewed the collection and tabulation of the votes.

Mr. Lauck, Mr. Timms, Mr. Degner, Dr. Gen and Dr. Badiye were duly elected as board members of the HOA.

Given the delay in starting the meeting and the resignation of the original Board members, no officer reports or new business was discussed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 pm.